Seven Year Itch or Taking a Break


I’ve been blogging for over 7 years now, over 1200 posts, hundreds of book reviews, dozens of photos of bookshelves & cats. I feel as though it’s time to take a break & reassess the blog & what I want to do with it.

I’ve been feeling less enthusiastic about blogging for a few months now. I’ve been watching quite a bit of Book Tube & I like the idea of maybe a Book Haul & a monthly wrap up instead of longer reviews with a bit of Literary Rambling thrown in. I don’t know but I need a break to think about it all.


I’m sure I’ll be back but thanks to everyone who reads the blog & comments on the posts. I hope to have a bit more time to read & comment on other people’s blogs while I’m thinking about the future of this one.

51 thoughts on “Seven Year Itch or Taking a Break

  1. Enjoy your break! I don’t comment often but always enjoy reading your posts. Hope you find a way to blog that works for you — I always like hearing what you’ve been reading, Sunday poems and, most I portant ;), cat pictures.


    • Book Tube is really You Tube for book lovers. There are lots of channels where people review books & bookish things. I don’t want to do it myself but I enjoy watching other people’s videos. Think of all the Lucky & Phoebe photos I’ll have to share when I come back! Although at the moment (early winter), they’re mostly photos of sleeping cats…


  2. I love your blog! You introduced me to many writers I was unaware of, which has provided me with great reading pleasure. I’m not sure how I ever discovered you but initially was struck that some of your favorite writers were mine as well. I have looked forward each time to your blog in my inbox and will surely miss it. I’m amazed at what amount of reading you manage and how extensive are your reports. I’m at the moment reading one I “found” on my shelf, Wallace Stegner’s Crossing to Safety. Since, because of my husbands work, we spent our lives in an academic environment, this book had great familiarity for me though it is set in a time earlier than mine.
    Wishing you well, thanking you for all you have unknowingly provided to me, and hoping to somehow find you back should you decide to return.

    Phyllis Kort (formally Durham North Carolina, now Grand Rapids Michigan, USA)


    • Thank you Phyllis. Finding new authors (& discovering how many people like my favourite authors) has been the nicest thing about the blogosphere even though it means my bookshelves are full of unread books… I haven’t read CTS but have heard good things about it.


  3. I can only imagine, after so many posts, that a holiday is in order. And it seems you already have several ideas to consider – I love your Literary Ramblings. well everything you’ve written. Enjoy some time away, with cats and books.


  4. I know the feeling. I’ve been at my blog for almost nine years now, and while I don’t have your output, I still felt the need for a break.

    Looking forward to your return.


  5. Thank you for your blog which has widened my reading horizon. I follow few blogs, but have noticed that each blogger has come up against a need for a rest, possibly a rejig, and in some cases a need to stop altogether. This is natural and although I hope you’ll be back, I understand.

    Strokes to Lucky and Phoebe.

    Anne Raynaud


  6. Hi. I’ve just stumbled across your blog (via your blogspot account) and have thoroughly enjoyed the few reviews I’ve read. I adore early-mid 20th century fiction. I was also excited to see you’re a fellow Melbournian! I hope you are able to continue sharing your love and knowledge of ‘middlebrow’ fiction in some form. All the best and I look forward to seeing what’s next for you. Helena


  7. Thank you for the enormous pleasure you have given me since I was lucky enough to discover your blog – and very best of luck with whatever you do next. Your marvellous writing will be much missed, but it’s good to think of you having a break and enjoying reading just for itself. Keep in touch with us at ninevoices if you can!


  8. I understand your need for a break, and the good thing about following you on Bloglovin is that you will automatically appear again when you decide to restart. Enjoy the rest.


  9. I am a reader, not a writer, so I seldom make a comment in the few blogs I follow. I discovered your blog when rereading an old favorite, Gaudy Night. For some reason I googled the title and I found your comments. I was hooked, and read all your old posts one Sunday and then subscribed to your blog. You were the first.
    I want to thank you for all the books and authors you have introduced me to in the last few years. Like you I read a mix of fiction and nonfiction. I also have a car commute to work in a library and I love my audios.
    It’s Sunday morning here in the US and I am missing your poetry blog which I always read before my NY Times bookreviews. I hope you are enjoying your time off but I wanted to let you know you are not forgotten.
    As a final thought, allow me to recommend one to you. One evening I needed an audio for the drive home. Patrick O’Brian’s Master and Commander was on the just returned cart and I was too tired to look in the stacks. By the time I got home I was hooked. Who would have thought. So if you ever are feeling adventurous, please give them a try. Make sure it’s Patrick Tull reading…he was perfect!
    Take Care…Linda in Illinois


    • Thank you Linda. How flattering to be the prelude to the NYT! I have M&C in my Audible library but it’s read by Ric Jerrom. I hope he’s as good as Patrick Tull. I’m listening to Hardy’s Desperate Remedies at the moment. I will be back. I’m already thinking about reviews of the books I’m reading so it may not be long before I resurrect the blog.


  10. Just a note to say how much I have enjoyed your blog, especially the poetry and biography/auto biography posts. Sometimes a break is essential and you deserve a rest.

    I hope you enjoy your break however long it is. And if you return that would be just great.


  11. Wishing you a merry Christmas from Austria and all the best for 2018! I hope
    very much that you will resume writing your fabulous posts!


  12. All the best for 2019 – hope you and the kitties sre doing well! This summer I discovered a few „bookstagramers“ I enjoy following but I still miss your blog. It is so amazing to connect with readers from around the world and I have added so many more books to my „have to read “ pile.


    • Thank you Elisabeth, Happy New Year to you, too. We’re all well although Lucky gave me a fright last night by staying out until 2AM – very unusual for her. I was concerned she’d be frightened by the fireworks etc but there’s nothing I can do if she won’t come when I call her. All was well (she was probably just asleep somewhere) but I didn’t sleep very well until she was home. I always have too many books to read & can’t seem to stop buying them but, one day, I’ll be retired & have to cut back on buying so I have no regrets about over-indulging now!


  13. Just discovered your old and new blog, and it seems you are gone and I’ve missed the bus. The material you cover is very much attuned to my taste, so I do now you will continue your reading journey with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wondering about how you and the kitties are doing… and whether you‘ve discovered even more great authors. You introduced me to so many that are now favourites. So, even after years, thank you!


    • Hi Elisabeth, thank you for commenting, even after all this time. I’m well but, unfortunately Lucky & Phoebe have both died. Phoebe from lymphoma about 4 years ago & Lucky from kidney failure last October. I have no cats now. Not sure about adopting another cat, I might wait until I retire and maybe foster cats or kittens instead. I‘ve spent the last few years rereading classics I last read 40 years ago, Trollope, Tolstoy, lots of Georgette Heyer and Miss Read during Melbourne’s very long lockdowns. I’ve just started Proust for the first time. Also reading lots of history. So, not much has changed there. Watching very little TV, mostly news and documentaries so more time for reading! I hope you’re well and still enjoying discovering new authors.


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